Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sabbathought: The Tipping Point

There is talk in civic society of "the tipping point" --- the point at which conditions move across an imaginary line of no return. The state of the nation's stability on all fronts: financial, political, moral, spiritual, our very existence as a true democratic republic adherent to a revered and respected constitution is under imminent threat given the current signs of the times.

As we cited a few months ago Elder McConkie wrote that "it is our firm conviction as a people that the stars and stripes will be waving triumphantly in the breeze, as a symbol of the greatness and stability of the United States of America, when the Lord comes."

When we quoted this it was in a Sabbathought we entitled, "A Gem of an Insight from Elder McConkie." It is indeed a gem, a shining jewel of assurance, a pearl of great price of optimism and prophecy.

We know that the Second Coming of the Lord is described as "the great and dreadful day of the Lord," and we might wonder which it will be: great . . . or . . . dreadful, in our own personal and individual case. That, of course, will depend on whether we are found on His right hand or His left, among His sheep, or the goats, at His coming.

To many in the Church He will say, "Depart from me . . . ye never knew me." While the "knowing" is available, while the going is good, while the fulfillment of "Learn of me" is still possible through study, service, and devotion --- all three --- our job is to come unto Christ, to come to know Him "as He is", not as the world or our traditions would depict Him. So that we will know Him when He comes.

This has been a theme of our articles for these past two years.

With national, state, and local elections coming up exactly one year from now as we write, consider this compelling prophecy from the Book of Mormon as a God-given insight into these things:

"Therefore, choose you by the voice of this people, judges [and representative government officials]. . . .

"Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right: but it is common for the lesser part of the people [minority] to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe --- to do your business by the voice of the people [the electorate]."

Now consider this next verse in view of the "tipping point":

"And if the time comes that the voice of the people [the voters] doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land."

Remember, the inhabitants of this choice land must serve the God of this land, who is Jesus Christ, or be swept off the land. The reason there is so little archeological evidence of prior civilizations on this land --- great and advanced as we know they were --- is because of this principle: when they ripened in iniquity they were swept off, meaning no trace was left of their ever having existed here.

Remember too that the "day of wrath" and vengeance which shall come upon all the face of the earth, shall begin "upon my house . . . and from my house shall it go forth . . .

"First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me . . . ." (D&C 112:24--6).

Consider all we and the Brethren and others have said lately on the subject of "Are Mormons Christians?" and the duty and obligation incumbent upon the Saints to represent well His holy name in works and study and testimony. All as a clear indication that we do indeed know Him.

It is to Latter-day Saints that He will say, "Depart from me . . . ye never knew me."

Is the nation close to the "tipping point" of no return? Are we "of the world," of the nation, in this regard? Am I, personally, individually? Do I know enough to be safe? For knowledge---knowing Him, His purposes and plans, knowing the signs of His coming---is crucial in the preparation for that great and dreadful day. The scriptures make it plain. Do we know them?

We may take comfort in thinking that day is close, but "not yet", and that, besides, "I don't expect to be alive to see that day in the flesh." False comfort that.

"If our souls and our bodies are not looking forth for the coming of the Son of Man; and after we are dead, if we are not looking forth, we shall be among those who are calling for the rocks to fall upon them" to hide from Him and His wrath, taught the Prophet (see Teachings, 160).

We labor these things because it is urgent to become familiar with them so we are not found wanting.

"Some have supposed that . . . if they paid their tithing, went to meetings, said their prayers, and performed those duties which were especially commanded, that . . . all would be well with them. But this is a mistaken idea. . . . [When it is too late] they will realize, to their sorrow that God required of them in this world not only obedience to His revealed will, but a searching after His purposes and plans" (Brigham Young).

These possibilities are for us who are "of mine house" if we neglect to take heed. We must decide with Nephi whether all is well in Zion or not, and how to put it right "betimes" --- before it is too late.

As for the world, and this nation in particular, there are now clear signs (for those with eyes to see and ears to hear), that it is ripening in iniquity. The election in twelve months' time will show in a stark manner if the "tipping point" has been reached, in that most people will vote to be looked after by the state or to preserve liberty, agency, faith, and initiative.

To summarize, let me quote (with permission) from my close friend and mentor Jack, who wrote these words to me in August:

"I have given a lot of thought as to what is taking place in our country. Having understanding of the signs of the times, I am equipped to know some things which plague us and will continue to do so. I now feel that Obama will be elected for a second term. Lucifer is having his way, and the elitists and secret combinations have a firm hold. What they are doing is creating a dependency on government, and despite rough times ahead, prophecy will be fulfilled. There must be a cleansing in Zion. Our comfort zones are great and our 'All is well in Zion' attitude is a crippling ignorance. We are heading towards servitude, like it or not, believe it or not. God will have a proven people, and we must be brought to our knees. . . ."

Jack gave more detail, concluding with: "As we know, 'this is the great day of my power' and he is taking full advantage. . . . It is cleverly working. We the Saints have been warned, and all that has been prophesied will be fulfilled. Time to fasten our seat belts."

These thoughts from Jack surely echo Moroni's words, that we "awake to a sense of our awful situation" when we see these things among us. The question is, without being alarmist and fearful, do we see them? Do we recognize them for what they are? Are we awake? Good reason to be intimately familiar with the Lord's words of warning from prophets past and present, which many of us are not.

Many informed observers in the world see us close to the "tipping point" where nearly half of the people are dependent on the state for livelihood in one way or another. And the other half sustain them. Think of it! If these interested observers can see it, without the help of Mormon and Moroni and Nephi . . . ! then it's time for the Saints to be equally --- or more --- informed.

"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

"Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."

The crisis is not merely fiscal. It is moral and spiritual. And that is where we come in, with our deep knowledge and understanding of His purposes and plans. If indeed we have such knowledge and understanding.

This explains all that the Savior said to His true followers about light --- about salt --- and leaven to lift and bless and teach the whole. Are we up to it?

Feel free to share with others.

God bless.


1 comment:

  1. People being dependent on government doesn't necessarily mean that is a result of the government's specific plan to produce that outcome. Keep in mind that the Gadianton-like corporations and big business interests have created, with government's help, a tremendous disparity in wealth which leads to all kinds of horrible social problems.

    Brigham saw this coming ages and ages ago when he and the rest of the twelve published a proclamation to the world that started out thusly:

    "ONE OF THE GREAT EVILS with which our own nation is menaced at the present time is the wonderful growth of wealth in the hands of a comparatively few individuals. The very liberties for which our fathers contended so steadfastly and courageously, and which they bequeathed to us as a priceless legacy, are endangered by the monstrous power which this accumulation of wealth gives to a few individuals and a few powerful corporations. By its seductive influence results are accomplished which, were it more equally distributed, would be impossible under our form of government. It threatens to give shape to the legislation, both State, and National, of the entire country. If this evil should not be checked, and measures not taken to prevent the continued enormous growth of riches among the class already rich, and the painful increase of destitution and want among the poor, the nation is likely to be overtaken by disaster; for, according to history, such a tendency among nations once powerful was the sure precursor of ruin."
