Tuesday, April 17, 2012

GIFTS: Earthquake Alert and Teton Dam Disaster

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Scheduled for this morning, originally throughout the State of Utah, was an "Earthquake Alert" designed to be a practice for our community preparedness in the event of an earthquake.

Apparently the State canceled the dry run but the Church decided to go ahead with it. So this morning neighbors are busy contacting neighbors around our ward to ensure safety and ease of communication for when the next earthquake occurs.

It is no doubt correct to say "when it occurs" not "if it occurs." We are long overdue for the big one, according to seismology experts. One such expert is the Lord (see Mormon 8:30; D&C 43:25; 45:33; 88:89, among other references).

The plan of contact was discussed in bishopric meeting where early suggestions ranged from a block warning system with captains to report that all was well, and so forth. But the Church leaders insisted on a system using the existing channels of communication in the form of home and visiting teachers. It will go quite well among us, I'm sure, to the extent that home teachers and visiting teachers are conscientious in their duty. President Monson spoke yet again about "duty" in the priesthood session of general conference a couple of weeks ago. We will all be glad of such reminders sometime --- perhaps sooner than we think.

This is all good practice.

"Beneath His watchful eye / His Saints securely dwell; /

That hand which bears all nature up/Shall guard His children well."

(Hymn # 125, verse 2)

But He expects His Saints to do their part. To illustrate:

On 5 June 1976 the Teton Dam Disaster occurred in southeastern Idaho, USA. Two years later we happened to have a week-long training visit in the British Isles Church Educational System. At the time, Henry B. Eyring was a senior leader in the system and he met with us daily for five days in Solihull, England. He was "Hal" to us full-time CES men in those days, a close associate in the work of teaching the young people, and many classes of older people, the Restored Gospel.

He had served as president of Ricks College (now BYU--Idaho University) in Rexburg prior to his work in the CES, and was very familiar with the Dam Disaster. He told us that when the dam burst and millions of gallons of water began to flood the valley below the dam, only two people died in the immediate aftermath. He said, one victim was fishing just below the dam. He stood no chance. The other fatality was someone who, having been warned to flee, decided to go back to get something. She drowned in the surging water.

The miracle is that in a fairly populated area, there were not more casualties (nine others were later victims). The reason was, and is, clear: the community warning system of home teachers and visiting teachers did their job, did their duty. The lines of communication were open and unimpaired. The message got through to everyone. And they listened. And they were saved.

The lesson goes beyond physical safety in a physical disaster.

Can you see it? Can you sense the spiritual implications of this?

More later on this.

God bless.


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